Thursday, November 22, 2012

Philly - The City of Brotherly Love

Swann Memorial Fountain - Following the tradition of "river god" sculpture

Swann Memorial Fountain - 3 bronze figures represent the 3 Philadplhia waterways(Delaware river, Schuylkill River & Wissahickon Creek)

Swann Memorial Fountain - by Sculptor Alexander Stirling Calder
The Benjamin Franklin Institure that had the Dead Sea Scrolls on display

Benjamin Franklin
Season of fall

Gates of Hell(Inspired du Dante's Divine Comedy)

Head of Sorrow(Joan of Arc)

Two Hands

The Kiss
Aero Memorial - Bronze sculpture shaped like a celestial sphere, dedicated to Pennsylvania avaitors who dies in WWI
Philadelphia Mesuem of Art

Welcome sculpture

Entering through the Rocky Steps

The original Sunflowers

Armour in medieval ages designed by the Germans

East Entrance

Remains of a Madurai Temple!

The Rocky Statue with Stallone

Clear directions across roads to help one walk across the city

The dinosars are here too!

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway has flags of all countries. I just could not locate the Indian flag:(


Liberty Bell

The honesty is impressive

Slave girl escaping from the President's house

City obsessed with liberty
Entering Chinatown - Chinese Friendship Gate

Vegetarian food...finally

Waiting at the table
Before meal

Buddhist clear noodle

After meal

Take home


City Hall

Paint Torch - Claes Oldenburg

Their version of "traffic jam"

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